Special Masses
Special Masses will be posted as they are coming close to the date. Thank you!
Special Masses:
Immaculate Conception
St. Patrick- Erin
Reconciliation ~ Individual Confessions
Saturdays– Immaculate Conception 4:00 PM
St. Patrick’s- Sundays after Mass
Immaculate Conception- Wednesday, March 7- Communal Penance Service at 6:30 PM
Daily Mass Times:
Tuesdays- 5:00 pm
10:00 am – St. Mary School during school year
8:15 am – when there is no school
Thursdays- 8:15 am
Immaculate Conception – 8:15 am
St. Patrick – 9:30 am
Regular Mass Times:
Immaculate Conception, New Richmond – Saturdays- 5:00 pm & Sundays- 9:00 am
St. Patrick, Erin Prairie – Sundays- 11:00 am
Cable Mass Times
Channel 6
Sunday- 10:00 AM
Monday- 6:30 PM
Wednesday- 10:00 AM
Looking for today's Mass readings.
30th | Sunday |
4th Sunday of Lent
31st | Monday |
Monday, 4th week of Lent
1st | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 4th week of Lent
2nd | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Francis of Paola, hermit
3rd | Thursday |
Thursday, 4th week of Lent
4th | Friday |
Friday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Isidore, bishop and doctor of the Church
5th | Saturday |
Saturday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Vincent Ferrer, priest
6th | Sunday |
5th Sunday of Lent
they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.