Monday - No Mass
Tuesday - 6pm
Wednesday - 8am
Thursday - 8am
Friday - 8am
Saturday Vigil - 5:30pm
Sunday - 9:30am (English) 12:30pm (Spanish)
6pm (Latin - Novus Ordo)
[Latin Mass is held on 3rd Sunday of the Month]
Looking for today's Mass readings.
22nd | Saturday |
Saturday, 2nd week of Lent
23rd | Sunday |
3rd Sunday of Lent
24th | Monday |
Monday, 3rd week of Lent
25th | Tuesday |
Annunciation of the Lord
26th | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 3rd week of Lent
27th | Thursday |
Thursday, 3rd week of Lent
28th | Friday |
Friday, 3rd week of Lent
29th | Saturday |
Saturday, 3rd week of Lent
Honor your father and your mother, that you may have a long life in the land the LORD your God is giving you.