Weekday Mass/Misa Diaria:
Monday/Lunes ~ 6:00 pm
Tuesday/Martes ~ 5:00 pm bilingual (bilingüe)
Wednesday/Miercoles ~ 12:00 Noon (Medio Dia)
09:30 am Parish School (Escuela Parroquial)
Thursday/Jueves ~ 8:00 am
Friday/Viernes ~ 12:00 Noon (Medio día)
Weekend Mass/Misa Fin de Semana:
Saturday/Sábado ~ 4:00 pm Anticipated
Sunday/Domingo ~ 8:00 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm Spanish(Español)
Holy Days of Obligation 12 Noon English and 6:00 pm bilingual
We're here for you! Confessions are done on Saturdays at 3:00 pm or by appointment. Please call Fr. Jose at ext: 101 or cell # 205-563-8217.
¡Estamos aquí para ustedes! Las confesiones se hacen los sábados a las 3:00 pm o con cita previa. Por favor llame al Padre José al ext: 101 o al celular # 205-563-8217.
Looking for today's Mass readings.
24th | Friday |
Saint Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
25th | Saturday |
The Conversion of Saint Paul, apostle
26th | Sunday |
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th | Monday |
Saint Angela Merici, virgin
Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
28th | Tuesday |
Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor
29th | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
30th | Thursday |
Thursday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
31st | Friday |
Saint John Bosco, priest
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.