Saturday Vigil in English: 4:00 PM
Sunday Mass in English: 11:15 AM
Misa Dominical en Español: 1:00 PM
Wednesday Mass in English: 11:00 AM
Lunes Misa en Español: 6:30 PM
Misa del martes en Español: 6:30 PM
Misa del jueves en Español: 6:30 PM
Looking for today's Mass readings.
4th | Friday |
Saint Francis of Assisi
5th | Saturday |
The Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Saturday, 26th week in Ordinary Time
6th | Sunday |
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7th | Monday |
Our Lady of the Rosary
8th | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 27th week in Ordinary Time
9th | Wednesday |
Saint John Leonardi, priest
Saint Denis and companions, martyrs
Wednesday, 27th week in Ordinary Time
10th | Thursday |
Thursday, 27th week in Ordinary Time
11th | Friday |
Saint John XXIII, pope
Friday, 27th week in Ordinary Time
Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.