Saturday Vigil – 5:00pm (Fr has to offer mass in W Yellowstone at 7:30p in the summer)
Sunday Mass – 8:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Saturday at 4pm sharp in the choir loft of the chapel. An elevator is avaliable. Again, please be on time-4pm. Other times can be arranged. Please contact Fr.Val Zdilla-406-250-7922 or to make your appointment.
Looking for today's Mass readings.
21st | Tuesday |
Saint Agnes, virgin and martyr
22nd | Wednesday |
Saint Vincent, deacon and martyr
Wednesday, 2nd week in Ordinary Time
23rd | Thursday |
Thursday, 2nd week in Ordinary Time
24th | Friday |
Saint Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
25th | Saturday |
The Conversion of Saint Paul, apostle
26th | Sunday |
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th | Monday |
Saint Angela Merici, virgin
Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
28th | Tuesday |
Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor
The prayer of a righteous man is very powerful.