5:00pm - Mass - St. Vincent de Paul, Onaga
8:00 am - Mass - St. Patrick, Corning
10:00 am - Mass - St. Bede, Kelly
Half an hour before every weekend Mass
Weekdays Mass Schedule
Tuesday : 12:15pm - St. Vincent, Onaga
4th & 5th Wednesday: 12:15pm -St. Vincent, Onaga
Thursday: 7:00am - St. Bede, Kelly
Friday: 7:00am - St. Patrick, Kelly
Wednesday - CCD Masses and Care Homes
1st Wednesday of the month - St. Patrick's, Corning : 7:00 PM
2nd Wednesday of the month - St. Bede's, Kelly : 7:00 PM
3rd Wednesday of the month - St. Vincent's, Onaga: 6:00 PM
Looking for today's Mass readings.
31st | Monday |
Monday, 4th week of Lent
1st | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 4th week of Lent
2nd | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Francis of Paola, hermit
3rd | Thursday |
Thursday, 4th week of Lent
4th | Friday |
Friday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Isidore, bishop and doctor of the Church
5th | Saturday |
Saturday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Vincent Ferrer, priest
6th | Sunday |
5th Sunday of Lent
7th | Monday |
Monday, 5th week of Lent
Saint John Baptist de la Salle, priest
We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.