Year round:
Daily Masses: Mon-Fri 1200 (except on federal holidays)
Academic Year:
Sunday Mass Schedule: 0800, 1030, & 1700 (no 1700 Mass the day before a federal holiday or during holiday breaks)
Confessions: Sundays 0930-1025; 1600-1645 (when there is 1700 Mass), Wednesdays 1900-2000 during Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration
Summer schedule (day after graduation until the Sunday before Reorganization Week):
Sunday Mass Schedule: 1030
Confessions: Sundays 0930-1025
No Eucharistic Exposition during the summer
See our website for holy day and holiday Mass schedules.
Looking for today's Mass readings.
31st | Monday |
Monday, 4th week of Lent
1st | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 4th week of Lent
2nd | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Francis of Paola, hermit
3rd | Thursday |
Thursday, 4th week of Lent
4th | Friday |
Friday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Isidore, bishop and doctor of the Church
5th | Saturday |
Saturday, 4th week of Lent
Saint Vincent Ferrer, priest
6th | Sunday |
5th Sunday of Lent
7th | Monday |
Monday, 5th week of Lent
Saint John Baptist de la Salle, priest
We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.