Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm
Misa de Vigilia del Sábado en español: 7:00 pm
Sunday Masses in English
- 8:30 am
- 11:00 am
- 5:00 pm
Domingo Misa en Español
- 1:00 pm
- 3:00 pm
- 7:00 pm
Weekday Masses in English
- Monday: 7:30 am
- Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:30 am
Jueves Misa en Español 6:30 pm
Monday - Friday Mass times are subject to change
- check the Weekly Bulletin for information -
American Sign Language at 11:00 am Mass
Wireless hearing aids available
Sabado Enspañol a las 6:00 p.m.
Saturday English 5:15 p.m. (or by appointment)
Looking for today's Mass readings.
16th | Sunday |
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17th | Monday |
Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Monday, 6th week in Ordinary Time
18th | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 6th week in Ordinary Time
19th | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 6th week in Ordinary Time
20th | Thursday |
Thursday, 6th week in Ordinary Time
21st | Friday |
Saint Peter Damian, bishop and doctor of the Church
Friday, 6th week in Ordinary Time
22nd | Saturday |
Chair of Saint Peter, apostle
23rd | Sunday |
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.