Saturday 5pm (vigil Mass)
Sunday 9am, 11am (live streamed) and 5pm
Daily Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9am
Reconciliation is held on Saturday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Looking for today's Mass readings.
24th | Friday |
Saint Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
25th | Saturday |
The Conversion of Saint Paul, apostle
26th | Sunday |
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th | Monday |
Saint Angela Merici, virgin
Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
28th | Tuesday |
Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor
29th | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
30th | Thursday |
Thursday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
31st | Friday |
Saint John Bosco, priest
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.