Following the state and federal directives, all public masses at LMU have been temporarily suspended.
During this time of pandemic, the community is invited to attend a virtual, interactive weekly Zoom prayer service based on the Sunday scripture readings. While we cannot be together to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist in Sacred Heart Chapel, we can gather together and be united in prayer as we celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and offer the LMU Community’s prayers of petition. For more information, visit:
When this time of pandemic passes, our regular Mass Schedule is:
10am and *8pm |Sacred Heart Chapel
*10pm | Leavey Chapel
Daily Mass:
*Wednesdays 9-10pm | Sacred Heart Chapel
*These Masses are celebrated on the Sundays of the academic year when classes are in session.
Looking for today's Mass readings.
22nd | Saturday |
Chair of Saint Peter, apostle
23rd | Sunday |
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
24th | Monday |
Monday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
25th | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
26th | Wednesday |
Wednesday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
27th | Thursday |
Thursday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
28th | Friday |
Friday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
1st | Saturday |
The Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Saturday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the LORD your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.