MASS TIMES (updated 7/15/2021):
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:30am - (with Rosary before Mass)
Live Stream every Sunday: (
Wednesday: 5:30pm
Fridays: 12:00pm
First Saturdays: 9:00am - Rosary @ 8:30am
Church is open 7am - 4pm daily for private prayer.
HOLY DAYS: call or check bulletin
Saturday: 1:00pm - 3:00pm (Drive-Thru only) or by appointment. Email
FAMILY CATECHESIS (PSR) (will resume in Fall)
for everyone & all ages
Wednesdays: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Mass: 5:30pm
Adoration/confession following Mass.
Supper at 6:30pm
Lesson: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
YOUTH MINISTRY (6th-12th grade)
Temporarily suspended due to COVID-19.
Have questions or Interested in joining the Catholic Church? Call about our RCIA classes 205-833-0334
Food Pantry, helping those in the 35206 area code, on Wednesday mornings
9:30-11 am (closed June-August).
Looking for today's Mass readings.
31st | Friday |
Saint John Bosco, priest
1st | Saturday |
The Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Saturday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time
2nd | Sunday |
Presentation of the Lord
3rd | Monday |
Saint Ansgar, bishop
Saint Blase, bishop and martyr
Monday, 4th week in Ordinary Time
4th | Tuesday |
Tuesday, 4th week in Ordinary Time
5th | Wednesday |
Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr
6th | Thursday |
Saints Paul Miki and companions, martyrs
7th | Friday |
Friday, 4th week in Ordinary Time
He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.